
Hello and welcome to my blog. I am currently working in Year 6 in a Primary school. I will be adding a variety of supporting materials to enhance children’s learning. Please feel free to add your comments and suggest other useful features. Thank you.



  1. This might be useful for not just us but for years 5,4,3, don’t you think Mrs Parveen .
    From Hassan 6DC

  2. This is a good website to use for learning and revising. This website has interesting stuff.

  3. I think this website is very useful for my revision, please could you add some level 6 maths questions. Thank You

  4. This is an amazing website and you should be very proud of what you have achieved when I am struggling with something I can count on your website to help me.
    From Fatimah

  5. Mrs parveen I think that you should do a section for KS1 because they might not understand the stuff you have put on and then it can be a website for everyone

  6. miss can you add some writing tips for all of us so we feel confident on SATs tests,please,and thank you 🙂

  7. Miss Parveen you now theabout the reading test.we needed the website to finish our reading test.

  8. Miss Parveen could you please add on how to do different steps of the new multiplication policy, the one our maths group didn’t understand in intervention as well as really quick ways to do different things

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