Numeracy Support

Long Multiplication

Seeing as we can not use the grid method anymore I thought it would be a good idea to post a video demonstrating how to do long multiplication.

Uploaded on YouTube by Math Antics (2012)

Negative Numbers

Adding and subtracting negative numbers can be confusing. Here is a sheet to explain the rules and some questions for you to tackle.

negative numbers

Taken from Maths is Fun website 2014


The Grid Method

Good luck with your SATs revision Year 6.
Here is a video to demonstrate how to use the grid method when multiplying with large numbers.

Uploaded on YouTube by Skills for Life, Suffolk New College (2010)


Times Tables

It is important to learn the times tables as they will benefit you in all areas of Maths now and in the future too. Spend time learning them well.

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Here is a sheet to show you how to work out ratio. Can you work out the answer using the same ratio? Make up a question for someone else to solve.


Area of a Compound Shape

A compound shape is made using two or more shapes. Look at the example and super learner steps below.

compound shapes image

Super Learners will:

  1. Calculate the missing sides.
  2. Split the shape into smaller shapes or parts. (squares and rectangles)
  3. Find the area of each part.
  4. Add together the area of each part.

Here is a great website link on BBC Bitesize which demonstrates two ways of finding the area of a compound shape.


Pie Charts

Pie charts are one way to represent data collected. Here is a great link which explains what a pie chart is and how to draw a chart by calculating the number of degrees for each category. Here are some super learner steps to help you when drawing a pie chart.

Super learners will:

  • Put the data into a table and write the total
  • Divide each value by the total
  • Multiply the answer by 360 ( because a full circle is 360⁰ )
  • Use a protractor to measure the angle for each sector (slice)




Algebra may not seem appealing but I assure you it is great fun! It’s a great way to solve puzzles and work out what the symbols or letters mean by using the clues given. See if you can work out some of the puzzles I have created.


Fractions and the Four Operations

Here are examples of how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions.



Taken from Usborne Junior Illustrated Maths Dictionary by K. Tomlins and T. Large (2010)


If your preferred learning style is visual, then here is a video to demonstrate the above.

Uploaded on YouTube by Math Antics (2012)


Fractions, Percentages and Decimals

Converting between fractions, percentages and decimals can be a challenge. Here is a concept map to help you.




  1. Please can you put up a video to show how to work out ratio and proportion.

    Thank you

      1. I have added a page which shows you how to work out ratio. Have a go at working out the answer to the question using the steps I have shown. Hope it helps.

  2. thank you miss Parveen for the for the fractions,decimals,percentage theyhave really helped me

  3. This blog is actually helping me. now I know how to work out decimals, percentages and fractions.

  4. miss parveen can you please add on how to long division with the same guy who we saw in intervention. its a great website. this is definitely going to help me achieve a level 6 in maths. THANK YOU!!!

  5. miss i know this has nothing to do with numeracy but i would like to ask is it possible for you to add a reading section?

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